Helmet for fire brigades KP-2002 was developed in 2002 under the
State order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russian Federation.
The helmet shell made out of heat resistant composite
based on high-quality glass and aramid fibers, offers excellent
protection under extreme fire conditions.
It is provided with reflective red contrast stripes and triangles.
Helmet shell is different in color (standard: silver metallic),
and luminescent green in the dark.
Adjustable suspension system, the leather headband can be adjusted
to the wide range of headsizes (from 54 to 62 cm).
Neck is protected by the leather neckcurtains.
Neck and ears of the user are additionally protected by the soft
Technical characteristics:
1. Weight - not more then 1300 g
2. The helmet stands a vertical impact with the energy of
80 J and stab (30 J) within the temperature from -60 C to
+ 150 C, and also after the 4 hours wet test.
3. Helmet deformation under the static force of 465 N orientated
along long or lateral axis doesn't exceed 40 mm (residual
deformation-less then15 mm).
4. In case of the vertical 50 J blow the force transmitted
to the head model doesn't exceed 5kN.
5. The helmet stands the 5 kW heat flow within 4 min and
40 kW heat flow - within 5 sec.
6. Any materials used for the helmet's shell, suspension
system and face shield don't sustain combustion and stand
the temperature test (200 C) within 3 min.
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